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Customer Support
Browse our support articles and get help using the customer portal, powered by Driven.
What are your support hours?
Who can I contact if I have questions regarding my account?
Will my credit score be checked or affected?
How long does it take to be approved?
What is my jurisdiction region?
Where do I find my business registration number?
Can I apply if I do not have an incorporated business?
I have multiple business bank accounts. Which one should I connect?
Why was my application rejected?
What if I have bad credit?
What browsers are supported?
How can I delete my Driven account and personal information?
I did not receive my account activation email
I cannot see a link to click in the account activation email
I don't remember my password
I cannot pass the Verify Myself step - I've failed too many times, now what?
I'm having difficulty logging in
It's taking too long to search for my bank details
Why is my bank account not connecting?